Whatsoever resemblance to any living or whosoever dead is INTENSE-NULL
Sunday, February 28, 2010
I am screwed where I should have excelled
Summarily, an overall dip of 8.45 has put me in realisation that I should not attempt this exam from now on. Hmm.....now that's called Man proposes, God disposes. :(
28th feb, 2010 3:45 PM
We are experiencing unusually heavy load on scorecard access server. We will reopen the server after 3 hours.
This message flashed when I tried the CAT Result Website for the millionth time since morning. Wow, what a management!!! Is the Server Rented???I am quite sure Promo-Trick hadn't expected all candidates plus 2 well wishers per candidate to invade their piece of land at the same time. I see where it goes after 2 years when the number of examinees touches half a million. Huh!!! Anyway, you better get back to your work. Will keep you posted, bye....catch ya later
Saturday, February 27, 2010
BUZZat 2010-11
If you hear your mom saying the famous 'Barah rupaye bhindi, bees ke gobhi', please understand that the showtime is over. So what if you have to pay less taxes from now on? I am sure you ignored those advertisements where you are pleaded to turn off the engine at the signal. Or the cooker-cooked food. Well, some steps are praiseworthy while some need to be whipped hard.
Why don't the politicians curtail the expenses on their frequent flying to regions facing election? Wooing janta is pretty much part of their life and janta is easily fooled. After all, they don't have a better choice. All to-be-representatives are pretty much the same. Say the MLA has slept for all the 5 years but one visit by Mr. X and notions change. He stays overnight with a poor family and vote bank upsizes.
Do not go into slumber again. Wake up time. Grahak hi nahi, JAAGO VOTER JAAGO. Ab toh Baba Ramdev ne bhi kamaan sambhaal li hai. Ek mauka unke candidate ko bhi diya jaaye. Hehehehe.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Koi inse sikhe......sikhe inse
Promo-trick conducted the C’mon Admission Taste in the month of December and January. Tasted bad, huh!!!
Those who set format for GREE and SATT weren’t immature, better say silly, to have them conducted round the year across the globe. In other words, some experiments are meant for less populated country where takers are less and a fallback does not have an impact. But the testing leaders took a chance and faced flurry of glitches* even in their unique way of managing things. Now they face over hundreds of queries in their mailbox every day, reason being the unprecedented delay in results due to unannounced, maybe out of shame, causes. But the premier partner institutions have vouched for them. Oye lucky…..lucky oye!!!
*An example for instance. I walked in the testing room. There were 3 supervisors and 2 invigilators. One of the supervisors superficially went through the Admit Card and asked me to sit on Computer Number ‘I do not remember’. I obeyed. The invigilator in the testing area asked me if I had checked in. Now that’s a tricky question. Who would know what an actual check-in actually is in a newly launched format of testing? So I thought if I had my Admit card examined, it should be a ‘Yes, I checked in’. Invigilator got infuriated when the computer laughed at me saying ‘Hey buddy, you are not registered on me’. He cross-checked details on me from the supervisors and inferred I was guilty. So he came back lashing words of fury thinking I would act like a feared 7 year old worried about what if I am kicked out. His bad, he had to face logic backed questions fused with anger and annoyance. Lucky me, he comprehended well and didn’t kick me out. Pompously, I didn’t even thank him (oops). Anyway, I took the test comfortably with 5 minutes to spare.
P.S.: It was 1 Metro-4 Auto rickshaws-2 Buses ride to the centre located several milestones away onto some National Highway. I now realize I should have started at 4 in the morning. Thanks to the gatekeeper to let me in and even find me a suitable reason for 1 hour 25 minutes of delayed check-in.