Whatsoever resemblance to any living or whosoever dead is INTENSE-NULL

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

what a DEMOCRACY sirjee!!!

SITUATION (1) The poor in the country die and there is not a hiss.
SITUATION (2) Kasab has to be kept alive so nearly 8.5 lakhs is spent on him everyday.

In the past 15 months, 39 crores has been spent on this terrorist while NREGA is seeing severe irregularities. Once sponsored by like-minded people, now it is GOI's turn......bloody!!! DEMOCRACY in our country saves only riches.


  1. dude dont post any random thing on ur blog! though i can understand the feeling behind writing this, but dun u think 8.5 lacs per day or even per month is a bit too much! Its a public space. You ought to be careful while posting.

  2. I understand friend....feeling is mine but data is outsourced.

    (1) Hindustan (Patna) dated February 23, 2010.
    (2) http://www.lawyersclubindia.com/forum/Cost-of-keeping-Kasab-alive-Rs-31-crore-and-counting/11199/
    (3) http://www.siasat.com/english/news/maharashtra-government-spends-31-crore-kasab

    @Bunty.....I will look for other sources and keep you posted.
